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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

New thing getting started

Hello possible viewers,

As my first post, I feel obligated to tell you a bit about myself.

I will start off by saying that the title of this blog was spelled incorrectly on purpose. Shaked, being the incorrect past tense of shake. I enjoyed the play on words, and I was running out of clever ideas for a blog name. It doesn't have anything to do with Elvis, unfortunately.

My name is Joe, and I live in the Midwest. I am happily married to a woman I met my freshman year of college. I have not yet finished college. I went for six years and figured out that I literally hated everything I was doing and decided to stop wasting money on it.

I am generally not a fan of blogs. I always felt like they were written by people who were too conceited to realize that nobody cared what they thought. Recently, I realized that I didn't really care if anyone read this, but it is a good place to put my thoughts and ramblings where I can just assume everyone agrees with me.

I don't know that I am going to have any sort of theme to this blog. I am sure I will talk about everything from video games, to firearms, to whatever it was that pissed me off that day. I may be rude or disrespectful to some people and if you ever feel offended while reading this, I just need you to remember... I don't really care... If you feel the need to argue with me about something, please do. I love a good debate and I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong or when I lack the knowledge.

I hope I provide something interesting to read.

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